Value For Customer


CBNCloud’s managed AWS EKS ensure your applications scale seamlessly to handle any level of demand. Kubernetes automates container orchestration, allowing you to add or remove containers based on load, guaranteeing scalability to handle peak loads effortlessly.


Microservices allow your applications to become modular and easier to update and/or replace without affecting the entire system. CBNCloud’s managed EKS supports integration with your existing on-premises or other cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring smooth transition with minimal downtime.

Development Speed

Kubernetes and microservices enable continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), allowing your development teams to deliver features faster and more reliably. Meaning faster time time-to-market and the ability to adapt changes swiftly based on customer feedback and market conditions.


Enhance the resilience of your applications through by utilizing decoupled architecture. Your application will continue running even during partial system failures, reducing downtime and maintaining SLA.

Cost Efficiency

EKS allows you to scale specific components independently, saving costs compared to scaling monolithic infrastructures. Additionally, CBNCloud provides tailored solutions help you identify and implement cost-saving optimizations specific to your project.

Use Cases

Transforming Monolithic Applications

Container and Kubernetes offer scalability, allowing individual services to be scaled automatically to manage load with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. This approach enhances flexibility, enabling different parts of your application to be scaled up or down, in contrast to monolithic applications which must scale a whole system up.

An added benefit is faster development cycle through ease of component prototyping, testing, and deployment. Which enables quicker time-to-market solutions.

Containers by nature provide improved resiliency by isolating application components to prevent cascading failures. While Kubernetes offers self-healing capabilities to ensure high availability and minimal downtime.

Portability is enhanced by providing consistent environments across different stages of deployment, further standardized by Kubernetes' ability to manage operations across multiple clusters and providers.

Management of applications is simplified, with containers encapsulating dependencies to reduce conflicts and Kubernetes offering robust orchestration tools for automated deployments and maintenance.

The microservices architecture is particularly well-supported, allowing for modular development and efficient management through Kubernetes' built-in features like service discovery and load balancing.

Security is strengthened by isolating applications to reduce attack surfaces, with Kubernetes adding role-based access control and network policies for a secure runtime environment.

Finally, both containers and Kubernetes benefit from a mature ecosystem and extensive community support, providing a rich array of tools, best practices, and documentation to facilitate adoption and innovation.

Guidance For Development Teams

Containers offer multiple advantages when you’re developing an app. Speed, portability, and ease of management.

Containers encapsulate dependencies, streamlining update processes and making applications portable across different environments. By contrast, monolithic systems by nature are tightly coupled, making updates, migrations, and integrations more complex and time-consuming.

Enable parallel development, testing, and deployment of individual components, accelerating your development. AWS EKS facilitates CI/CD pipelines, allowing rapid iteration and deployment of individual application modules. Monolithic systems require all changes to be made in a single application, slowing down the development process.

Put peace back in your mind, containers isolate failures to individual services which prevents catastrophic failures. In addition, Kubernetes' self-healing capabilities ensure high availability by automatically restarting and rescheduling failed containers. Monolithic systems are more prone to extensive downtime, as a failure in one part can impact the entire application.

SAAS Developers Needing Multi Tenancy

Containerization offers significant advantages for SaaS software development. Containers encapsulate application dependencies, ensuring consistent environments across development, testing, and production. AWS EKS further enhances this by providing robust orchestration, automating scaling, load balancing, and self-healing, which ensures high availability and resilience of SaaS applications.

Containerization supports a microservices architecture, where individual services can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. AWS EKS facilitates seamless management of these microservices, providing tools for service discovery, load balancing, and rolling updates. This modularity allows SaaS providers to quickly adapt to customer needs and market changes.

Lower your infrastructure cost, containers share the host OS kernel which leads to lower overhead and more efficient resource utilization. AWS EKS optimizes resource allocation dynamically, helping SaaS providers avoid over-provisioning and reduce infrastructure costs.